A gentleman was retiring and needed to take his tax free cash and required an income to maintain himself in retirement. He had received the potential income and tax free cash figures that he would receive from his existing pension provider, but wanted to gain advice to see if he could get more money and income from his pension.
- To understand what different annuity options were available.
- What income he could receive.
- How much tax free cash he could potentially receive.
- Ensuring income would continue should he die, so that his wife would have income.

Mark spent time with the gentleman talking through the various annuity options that were available. Mark took into account the gentleman’s health, which meant more potential income could be gained from the annuity.
Mark ensured the gentleman’s spouse would receive income on the death of her husband and included guarantee period to help ensure good value within the annuity.
- The gentleman received 20% more income.
- The gentleman had peace of mind knowing his spouse was protected.
- He received the correct level of tax free cash.
- He got guaranteed income to maintain him and his wife in retirement.
- The whole of the market was researched to ensure a very competitive annuity was set up.